What is a wide area network and what are the pros & cons of WAN?

As the name symbolizes wide region organize is a wide system whose correspondence is more extensive than the LAN, MAN and even CAN. The use of WAN (Wide Area Network) isn't constrained to a room, building or explicit region. The fundamental motivation behind Wan is to keep up various LAN organizes so as to build the productivity of the system. Distinctive LAN systems are associated with the build-up system that will empower the clients of one area to speak with the clients present in the other area. Web access suppliers generally help and manual for buildup WAN (Wide Area Network) systems. Anyway numerous huge associations build up their own private WAN's (Wide Area Networks)

WAN (Wide Area Network) systems are set up frequently by looking for help from telecom divisions who give the office of rented lines. The switch is associated with the LAN at one side and a center point is appended at the opposite end. This is a costly method for setting up WAN (Wide Area Network) arrange. WAN (Wide Area Network) systems are regularly settled utilizing circuit exchanging strategy.

  • WANs have an enormous limit, interfacing countless PCs over a huge territory, and are naturally versatile.
  • They encourage the sharing of provincial assets.
  • They give uplinks to associating LANs and MANs to the Internet.
  • Correspondence joins are given by open transporters like phone systems, organize suppliers, link frameworks, satellites and so on.
  • Normally, they have low information move rate and high spread postponement.
  • They, for the most part, have a higher piece blunder rate.


  • Covers the enormous land region
  • Concentrated information
  • Get refreshed documents and information
  • A great deal of utilization to trade messages
  • Sharing of programming and assets
  • Worldwide business
  • High transmission capacity

  • Security issues
  • Needs firewall and antivirus programming
  • The arrangement cost is high
  • Investigating issues:
  • Server down and disengagement issue:


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