What are Tier Help Desk and how it works?

At the point when we talk with potential customers, one part of our business they generally get some information about is the manner by which our assistance work area levels work. They are generally exceptionally astonished to hear that we don't utilize the customary arrangement of the tier help desk. Customarily right now, an organization has an assistance work area set up to deal with client service calls, the assistance work area is organized in a configuration known as "levels".

What does the Tier structure resembles?

Each level signifies an alternate level-as you go up in the level that demonstrates that the specialist you will be working with is increasingly experienced, and furthermore compares to the seriousness of your issue. As a rule, however, regardless of whether your issue is a crisis, you won't have the option to address a Tier 3 expert until you have addressed both a Tier 1 and Tier 2 professional, and they have both concurred they can't take care of the issue and they have to raise it.

What Do The Different Tiers Mean?

Level 1 Technicians: These are normally lower-paid, junior-level experts. Regularly, they are late school graduates, or redistributed outsiders found abroad. These professionals can deal with straightforward work area bolster questions and issues. In the occasion they can't take care of the issue, they will heighten the pass to a Tier 2 expert.

Level 2 Technicians: These are increasingly prepared experts. A large portion of them have at any rate two years of experience giving IT support, and can deal with complex work area issues, organize and directing issues, just as give general server support.

Level 3 Technicians: These are engineer level experts and are generally the most significant level in a level structure. The greater part of them have at any rate 5 years of experience giving IT backing, and they additionally have involvement in venture arranging. They can deal with pretty much every work area, system, and server issue that is tossed at them. These specialists have involvement with organize configuration just as undertaking arranging and usage.

For what reason Do Companies Use Help Desk Tiers?

You will discover this level structure everywhere, particularly when managing IT bolster organizations, as it is commonly an industry acknowledged best practice. In principle, it is intended to improve the productivity of the help group and assist cut with bringing down on costs.

When utilizing the framework, an organization will have for the most part Tier 1 specialist taking care of client issues. They will be the primary purpose of contact for the client. Along these lines, if the issue is basic, it is fixed rapidly and effectively without occupying the hour of a Tier 2 or 3 professionals, who are taking a shot at issues that take more time to explain.

While this can be useful for the customer, since they don't need to hold up hours to converse with a particular specialist to fix a straightforward issue, the fundamental advantages will, in general, be more for the organization. Since the greater part of the work is taken care of by the Tier 1 professionals, this implies the organization just needs to contract a couple of the higher-layered specialists, who get paid more than the Tier 1 specialists. Right now, can eliminate costs. They are likewise ready to accept a lot more calls on the double, in any event at first, since they realize that regardless, the customer should address a Tier 1 professional first. In this way, that implies that while the organization is sparing costs, they are additionally ready to possibly acquire more cash.


  1. This is an awesome post. Very informative and creative content. This concept is a good way to enhance knowledge. I like it, and it helps me very well. Thank you for this brief explanation about help desk services.


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