Types of Data Centers

Because data centers are essential for managing large companies, and even small and medium-sized companies are joining the trend, choosing one is essential to fit a business model. There are different types of data centers and service models. Here are four main types of data centers:

Location data centers

Location data centers or more commonly known as "laps" are companies that rent space in a data center that they do not own and that are located off-site. The colocation data center provides infrastructure such as the building itself, cooling, bandwidth, and security, among others. The company produces and maintains components, including servers, storage, and security firewalls.

Business data centers

Corporate data centers are established, owned and operated by companies. These data centers are operated for a purpose and this service is optimized for its end user customers. Corporate data centers are often located within corporate complexes.

Managed Service Data Centers

These data centers are operated by an external entity or a managed service provider, not the company. The company rents equipment and infrastructure to reduce costs.

Cloud data centers

Cloud data centers are an external form of data center. The most common cloud hosting services are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft (Azure) and IBM Cloud.

How reliable is the installation of a data center?

Entrepreneurs constantly need reliability to keep things running smoothly. Fortunately, a data center is designed to easily support 24/7 services. However, the components require a significant amount of infrastructure support in the hardware and software fields.

This includes power subsystems, stable and uninterrupted power supplies, adequate ventilation, high-quality cooling systems, fire fighting, reliable backup generators, and connections to external networks.

The business world is changing at an incredibly fast rate, corresponding to the high demand for information. With the ever-changing demands of the modern business model, many companies trust data centers because these facilities play a crucial role in meeting their IT specifications.

Data centers are more than just a secure installation with a space equipped with reliable power and a network. They become a valuable addition to many businesses as they prove to be a reliable extension of their IT staff. This is why data centers in modern business environments are increasingly becoming an indispensable success factor.

Read More - Datacenters


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